
Gemstone Color 

Gemstone color is assessed differently than diamond color. Each gemstone exhibits a spectrum of shades, from light to dark and from vivid to less vivid, with only a narrow range of hues being considered ideal. Various types of gems represent all the different color families. 

Red Ruby, Mozambique Garnet

Pink Pink Sapphire, Rhodolite Garnet

Yellow Yellow Sapphire, Citrine

Green Emerald, Bloodstone, Jade, Peridot

Blue Blue Sapphire, Aquamarine, Blue Chalcedony, Blue Spinel, Blue Zircon, Lapis

Purple Amethyst, Tanzanite

White Akoya Pearl, Freshwater Pearl, Mabe Pearl, South Sea Pearl, White Spinel, White Topaz, Moissanite, Opal

Brown Smoky Quartz

Black/Gray Tahitian Pearl, Onyx